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Next podcast episode: whenever we feel like it

Lisbon: 2 Days With Peter Perch

Peter Perch is SCOF’s “International Man of Mystery.” We try to keep one around at all times. Previously based in Amsterdam, and now  making his way to Spain, Peter illustrates, paints, prints, and does things in his studio we still don’t quite understand, but we know we like it. So when Steve had the opportunity to hang out with Peter on his family vacation in Portugal, it seemed only fair for Steve to abandon his family for a couple of days. Two artists out on the town, oh the headiness of the whole thing. To be a fly on that wall. Steve and Peter headed north up the Rio Tejo in search of some sort of snooty European fish that looks like a carp but its name I think is barbel. I’ll have to ask Peter again about that. We have no idea what they look like because none were caught. We think they’re pink and have horns. Now it’s our turn to bring Peter to the Keys to not catch permit. Seems only fair.